4:33 Memories
Kenneth Pobo
The Monkees—1967
This morning I’m thinking about things I loved in 1967. I’m starting out with The Monkees. More of was my first album. The ice cream truck, I loved that too, tinkly bells, lime popsicles. I wore shorts as much as I could. Illinois summers got hot and shorts made them more tolerable. I loved drinking from the garden hose unless the water was in the sun too long. I loved clothes on the clotheslines, especially on a windy day. And I loved playing Canasta with my grandmother who could hold many cards before going out and leaving me weighed down with points.
Kenneth Pobo has a new book out from Assure Press called Uneven Steven. He lives in Middletown, Pennsylvania, with his husband and two cats. Things he likes: Tommy James and the Shondells; bark. Things he dislikes: hot weather; cabbage.