
Mitchell Nobis

After Kamasi Washington

For a year, I’ve left
the house after dark,
after the boys are
asleep, to walk with  

the dog. We go south,
west, east, north. We go
in darkness, with stars and
streetlights. Harmony 

of Difference in
my headphones, Kamasi
Washington & his
band wailing love. It’s

not a bad space to
leave your head for a
year. Another person
walks this route at this  

time. My new friend wears
a red blinking light,
both beacon & shield—
we’ve never said hi. I 

swing out to the roadside,
walk a parabola
around her, nod hello
in the hidden dark.

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Mitchell Nobis is a writer and teacher in Metro Detroit where he lives with his wife and children. His poetry has appeared in Exposition Review, Roanoke Review, Hobart, and others. His manuscript was a finalist for the Wheelbarrow Books Poetry Prize. @MitchNobis


A Year in Bloom


The Last Page of 2020