Monday Again

Gary Griffith

photo credit: Gary Griffith

photo credit: Gary Griffith

It must be Monday. Charlie took the garbage out. The garage door hums shut. I sit at my window. Snow flakes the blue-look-sky. I live inside  an hour framed by an afternoon that began at dawn when my eyes fell open and I gave thanks to God by name.

Nap by nap I made my way to now, today, shedding the years along  the way. Living is the best non-expectation. The highway ends here at this pause. I embrace this moment. Love dilated me open to your cry, children.

Monday again, Charlie took the garbage out.

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Gary Griffith lives in The Bradshaw Mountains of central Arizona. He is working on a novel, The S Virus. His work has appeared in Storyglossia, The Black Box, and The Minison Project. @GaryLGriffith


The Last Page of 2020


Thoughts on January 6