Monday Again
Gary Griffith
photo credit: Gary Griffith
It must be Monday. Charlie took the garbage out. The garage door hums shut. I sit at my window. Snow flakes the blue-look-sky. I live inside an hour framed by an afternoon that began at dawn when my eyes fell open and I gave thanks to God by name.
Nap by nap I made my way to now, today, shedding the years along the way. Living is the best non-expectation. The highway ends here at this pause. I embrace this moment. Love dilated me open to your cry, children.
Monday again, Charlie took the garbage out.
Gary Griffith lives in The Bradshaw Mountains of central Arizona. He is working on a novel, The S Virus. His work has appeared in Storyglossia, The Black Box, and The Minison Project. @GaryLGriffith