a failure's guide for how to move in the world

Moira Wood

Moira Wood

Moira Wood

walking with my memories
thinking about a time much lighter than this one
sure, i am wearing my rose-colored glasses
but why not, they look good on me 

my most loyal companion
my most devoted confidante
unable to break from this toxic relationship
how can you deny the one thing that has always been true 

a glimmer of hope
a shimmer on the water
a simmer of my feelings 

i take off my glasses and meet the sun eye to eye 

for a sweet, fleeting moment i feel as if i have won
cracked this game of life
it is in those few seconds that i forget what sorrow is 

and then i remember
and the distress drips down my body
pulling joy with the corners of my mouth
and i long for life as it was 

and so i retreat
i recede behind my rose-colored glasses
and replay memories from simpler times 

moments that only grief and i know

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Moira Wood is a medical student in New Orleans. She identifies as forever learner, and is constantly trying to discover how to be a better human.


Thoughts on January 6


Everything New #2