Mr. Apocalypse

Colby Applegate



It’s hard to watch someone that you used to know
self-destruct right before your eyes. 

The four whoresmen of our apocalypse. 

Who knew that what you felt for him in October
and told him in November
would become the catalyst
for a series of unfortunate events
all those years later in September. 

Rewinding time while moving forward.
Our history is doomed to repeat itself.

But will we survive?
Will they believe me when I say
that you pleaded for our lips to be
more than strangers just that one night? 

Will they believe that
Mike and Whitney
were the bottles who gave the nudge
to something both of us wanted,
but for different reasons? 

Confusion is exhausting.
And I wish you could
figure it out without hurting
anyone else.
Including yourself,
Mr. Apocalypse.

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Colby Applegate received his BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment from Full Sail University in Orlando. His work has been published by Alphabet Hour, Hidden Remote, a number of pro wrestling websites, and on the front pages of several small-town newspapers. He currently resides under a skylight in Illinois.


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Still Life in Technicolor and Grayscale