Sono Stanca

Charlotte Bunney

Growing up in North Yorkshire, U.K., I spent a lot of my childhood roaming around in nature, which makes it no surprise, to me, that my work revolves around the natural world. I have a particular affinity for birds and the sea.

The works displayed below were all created on separate occasions over the last few years, but the collection nonetheless reflects my regular integration of nature or text in my work, and generally embodies a somewhat melancholic tone that feels appropriate for the current year.

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Charlotte Bunney is currently a university student in her final year of studying Classics. She has enjoyed making art her whole life and generally draws inspiration from the natural world; she has a particular interest in the sea. She enjoys working in various media but most frequently works with gouache, watercolour and text. Her favourite authors are Daphne du Maurier and Virginia Woolf and her favourite artists are Gustav Klimt and Maggi Hambling.

Her love of the classical world also inspires some of her work, and she hope that this branch of her art can make Classics a little bit more accessible to a wider audience.

Twitter: @The_Bunney /Instagram: @artsoliloquies


Time Signatures


Things That Weigh Less Than A Giraffe’s Heart