“Part of the Same Place” highlights work that emphasizes the global nature of the peculiar, harrowing, heartbreaking and surreal circumstances in which we suddenly found ourselves in the early months of 2020.
Part of the Same Place
Alexa Dayoan
A reflection on the real and imagined worlds in which we currently find ourselves confined. Together.
Working Class Prayer
C. Adán Cabrera
“for my grandmother, who crossed deserts with naked feet and who once challenged the moon to a shouting match.”
Revisiting NuevaYorkino
Alejandro D. Orengo Colón
In the middle of a pandemic, a filmmaker offers a video from a time when it was possible to cross oceans on journeys to forget.
Old Flame
Maryse Sepeynith
Kids screaming outside the window
Playing and running,
Desires of outside, the sun, the birds
Arpa Hacopian
I’m in my room in the Financial District, far from nature, far from the countryside, far from my home in Armenia. I feel homesick. Normally, being far from home on your first visit to New York would mean forgetting that homesickness. But this isn’t “normal.”