Old Flame
Maryse Sepeynith
photo credit: Maryse Sepeynith
Kids screaming outside the window
Playing and running,
Desires of outside, the sun, the birds
Holidays and the beach
Insomnia from another time, nostalgia.
The Pontoise era
Chestnut trees, dog turds, and tuna sandwiches
Insomnia, nostalgia
I slip and sink
Kids are still playing outside
I slip on his lips, perfect lips
His neck, welcoming and delightful. Warm
His skin…
Nostalgia, insomnia dragging me to dangerous territories
Isolation and abstinence
His head resting on my palm, steaming
Remembering that evening
Your mouth searching my neck
I’m craving you
Orange light and desire
Expectation, burning breath, excitation
Fire to the bone
Insomnia, isolation, absence
Maryse Sepeynith is an artist, poet and fiction writer. She is currently working in communication and pursuing an MA in arts to switch the tones of her life and realize her vision through words, sounds and performances. She was born and raised in France but found a new home in London, UK. @palomajiboya