Revisiting “NuevaYorkino”

Alejandro D. Orengo Colón


NuevaYorkino is the story of a Puerto Rican photographer traveling to New York on a journey to forget.

Although originally completed in 2015, I feel that it resonates with our current moment, as it examines the idea of wishing to escape your troubles and your problems by going to another place, even though, in the end, such journeys often prove futile. This is a “silent” film, which I hope allows the audience to immerse themselves in the narrative. The film also examines how we mentally perceive fleeting moments, as we observe things that can immediately make us return to those experiences.

I filmed NuevaYorkino in a time when we could still hold hands, lean on each other on crowded subway cars, lose ourselves in the crowd. All of that is a memory now."

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Alejandro D. Orengo Colón is a Puerto Rican film teacher, photographer and filmmaker. @alejandro_orengo


Old Flame


Act of Infamy